6 May 2013

13 arguments against feminism

Had the plessure of arguing with a danish feminist living in London today.

So here are 13 arguments against feminism:

1. Feminism is not an economic force in itself so by any standard feminism drives up taxes. 

2. The most important agenda of feminism is not making a better world, but getting more privileges to women. 

3. Western societies have taken more than 1000 years building what we have today. Feminism has no respect for that and is ready to break that down any day just to put another pin in their template. 

4. Feminism is a strong believer in behavourism. If you smoke, drink or in any other way do something not good for the society feminism will come for you and penalize you. 

5. Feminism does not tolerate thinking that is not conform with feminism. Such thoughts will be mentioned as rightwing or populism. 

6. Everything not entirely financed by the state will certainly by feminism be populism. 

7. Feminism is the main driver in the fascism of equality. Feminism did start out as a pure good thing, but has long ago reached a level of equality where sheer fascism is the driver.

8. Feminism is a strong believer in both European Union and The European Human Rights Court because feminism is contributing so little to real production that it needs institutions to say that it is the best. 
(Ordinary people does not rely on institutions to have selfesteem.)

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgU2LEPdpMc

10. Feminism is very much in bed with Political Correctness. The meaning of this is disputed, but PC is at best a form of control on society, where normal people must accept certain rules to survive. 

11. Feminism makes men unsure about if it is okey to be a man and feel like a man. 

12. Feminism is only viable through stateregulation. Because no society would waste that much energy for non-productive special interest without a gun un its head. 

13. Without statesupport feminism would have been a hippie-fun thing.

Now as state-sponsered. We  all must abide to this nonsense.

Making us all poorer.

- And then there is Swedish feminism which is a chapter for itself. Way more hardcore.

- And then again I didnt even mention that the official state report in Denmark says that every woman born is a liability by 2,4m dkr (boys do the paying) Page 382 here: http://www.dreammodel.dk/pdf/R2004_01.pdf

- Best essay written against feminism: http://winteryknight.wordpress.com/2010/10/09/barbara-kay-writes-the-best-essay-against-feminism-ever-written/

- If feminism really was a positive force they would not be silent about the way the muslim world treats women: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2424073/Why-fellow-feminists-shamefully-silent-tyranny-veil-asks-JULIE-BINDEL.html

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My wish is not mocking but to make people able to ARGUE.