19 July 2013

For the good of all mankind

There is nothing normal these days.

Debt is booming. Migration is booming. Entitlements are booming.

All this booming is made in the name of being good and doing good.

So what went wrong? And where do we have to start to repair the systems?

First of all we need to have a passion for balance.

Balanced budget should be the 1th admentment in every state. We cant wake Keynes up from the dead and make him personally clean up all the mess his overspending ideas have created.

Migration is not solving any problems. Its nice to travel but its even nicer to have a home. Right now migration is about to denying the multitude of european different people a homeland. These days a white christian swede or german person has to live in countries where immigration is so big that hallal is the name of the game, crime is at rates never seen before, and unsecurity is ramping.

Migration to Europe is not only caused by trouble somewhere else. Its caused primarely by entitlements.

When people in a troubled country gets to know that in european countries they can get entitlements 10 times a good wage in their own country of course they are comming in hordes. This is not helping the greater good of all mankind.

Migration to Europe is causing inactivity, entitlements explosions and lots of etnic and religious conflicts.

The only way forward for Europe is to grow a spine and do the following:

1. Make migration everything but a walk in the park. If you dont dare beeing tough you are part of the problem.

2. Big overhaul on entitlements. Most european countries are up to their neck in debt caused by entitlements-programs. Making people doing nothing for getting it and making more harm than good.

3. Big overhaul on tax-system. Most european countries have a taxrate over 40%. Lots of hard working people have experienced a final taxpayment of way over 60%. This is draining initiative. Putting Europe to a hault.

7 July 2013

Rights of Freedom - part II - 5 points to fight back and win over the political correct elite

Tax and hand-outs-society

Freedom Rights are very much under pressure.

So what to do, what can be the plan to win Freedom Rights back?

Here is my plan:

1. EXPOSE THE BIGSTATESYNDROM. Use Twitter, blogs, facebook whatever. Make more and more people realize that BigState is NOT the solution but the problem. This is hard work but worth while.

2. VOTE LIBERTY. Believing in democracy may be cracy but the alternative better is not there.

3. USE YOUR NETWORK. Family, friends, colleges and clubmembers. Make them understand that we are in serius time where collapses of states are imminent. This is the most important thing. Network and make your way known. Compare to the collapse of Rome. We are there with Obama.

4. TAKE EVERY GRANT FROM THE STATE YOU CAN. Entitlements are what bring the western states down. Take them. Dont be ashamed. If only women and muslims takes the grants you can work the sun black and not change a thing.

5. MAKE YOUR ECONOMY RESILIANT TO ECONOMIC BREAKDOWN. Lots of sites and persons offers advices to your economy - also about the comming collapse of the economies of the western states - EU and USA - Be carefull. Dont just buy gold or anything. Put your money where your heart is will never fail. Do it.

If you follow these 5 easy steps either the politiciens will mature and make prudent laws or the current states will collapse and new freedoms will evolve thereafter.

Alternative way to get freedomrights back:
 (pay as much as you can to the monster the sooner the collapse will come)