24 June 2013

Rights of Freedom - Part I - How they became a joke - My 5 points

Every democracy in the western world has a constitution and within there is - as the most sacred thing - a list of Freedom Rights.

These Rights of Freedom have for 200 years functioned to keep the government away from lots of aspects of the citizens life and have secured a lifestyle where everybody can enjoy the way he or she thinks a good life should be.

That impliment that I have to tolerate that my neighbor is living in a totally different way than I am - unless of course his or mine lifestyle include something criminal.

This is the basic of the western lifestyle that has generally given us the good life and every invention in the pursuit of happyness.

However the 21th century is different, the Rights of Freedom are falling apart and a lot of citizens are getting very frustrated about this.

How did it happend that the Rights of Freedom became a joke?

1. THE GOVERNMENTS in the western world BECAME BIGGER AND BIGGER. When you have small governments concentrating on the few things absolutely necessary for the citizens things are and were fine. Freedom works. But slowly and seemingly unstoppable these governments grew and grew and made the Rights of Freedom fade for every law they passed.

The intentions were always the best. Making a safer and better world for all of us by forbidden this and that and impose this and that. But the only sure result was slowly but surely taking away everybodys right to make up his way of the good life.

2. THE POLITICAL CORRECT ELITE CAME INTO POWER. This group of people was once known as marxist, communist and so on. And that way they never came into power. But disguised as do-gooders they entered every political party with the fundamental belief that it was possible to - by the means of the law - to make a better life for all. And laws we got. Tons of them. I dont think you can find a directive of less than 100 pages from the EU. And they are written in a language unspeakable for most people and read by very very few. Thereby creating bureaucracy in a scale the world has never seen before burdening the taxpayers unprecedented.

3. THE CONCEPT OF GOVERNMENT WAS THE BEST TO SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM IMAGINABLE BECAME DOMINANT. The marxist didnt achieve this by preaching their real goal. State ownership and equal misery for all. No they achieved it by putting the voters on addictions. Handing out small goodies to everyone so the generel population didnt see the bigger and biggers flaws in their sovjet-style survaillance-sociaty, their megabig bureaucracy with priviliges for the political class in unprecedent levels. The voters became addicted to these goodies and liked the idea that the government solved every problem imaginable even though it was a lie and even though they knew it was a lie but it was so nice to listen to.

4. Sound logic was now at risk and were discredited in less and less concealed ways. You shouldnt think that the people and wise politicians would allow this to happen but they did. Because the media was by now heavily influencing the political agenda and the media was heavily populated with do-gooders so the DO-GOODERS could SET THE AGENDA. Thereby common sense people were now a threat to this new form of stability where the governments were more important than the life of its citizens.

5. GOOD PEOPLE DID NOTHING. Jefferson: "The only thing it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing." We took 20 tax-hikes and said nothing. We took 1000 new behavouristic laws and said nothing. We bought the newspapers even though the agenda became more and more clear and we said nothing. We accepted survaillance in an unprecedented scale in the name of fighting terror and we said nothing.

Luckely so many people are now so fed up with this political correct marxist elite that a european and american spring must be on the way - very soon.

If you want inspiration on this read my next blog: Rights of Freedom - part II - 5 points to fight back and win over the political correct elite.

17 June 2013

The 10 Biggest Failures of Communism

The European Youth has no memory of the failures of communism, and when +10% of danish voters seem inclined to vote for communism, it is appropriate to refresh the content of communism.

Communism is apparently a happy utopia where everyone has equal amount of wealth and everything is good BUT:

1. In a communist society, the first victim is DEMOCRACY since communism can not work if a narrow majority suddenly had to choose to leave communism. Hardcore Communists may argue that they are in favor of democracy, but 100 years of experience shows that democracy is the first victim of a communist society.

2. In a communist society operated only with the lower elements of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, with self-realisation reduced to altruism /presents to society, since no one can get more than others by doing an effort. Eventually all the goods in any shops will look more and more GRAY AND UNIFORM.

3. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION is severely affected by communism. Since communism can not afford democracy or other subversive acts, communism will eventually hit harder and harder down on dissidents and dissenters. Typically, communism used forced labor or the death penalty or imprisonment indefinitely.

4. OWNERSHIP disappears (maybe you can own your own toothbrush) NOT, but is transferred to the state. All human experience shows that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There will thus be a new elite passed by party bosses that enjoys the few remaining luxuries. The 10% of Denmark's population today would vote for the Communist Party (Enhedslisten) is not among these megatycoons as a non-democratic country can be controlled with very few in the privileged class.

5. THE RULE OF LAW ceases to function. Judges must necessarily throw out all previous case law in a communist society, as the precedent was based on the right to property and other rights. The new communist law will favour the state in unprecedented proportions, as the lack of democracy and thus the lack of separation of powers does that the judges have only one power to relate to. (And would do well to remember it)

6. The ECONOMY IS SLOWED TO A HALT. You work by now only under the threat of jail or labour camp, the man without a job will earn just as well as you.

7. SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY will see unseen dimensions. Since the communist society requires total submission we will quickly develop a community where all spies on all for even the smallest offenses. Confidence in the neighbour disappears and only the closest family continue to speak openly and honestly with each other.

8 .The BORDERS ARE CLOSED. It is a natural consequence of the impossibility of self-realization and the closing down of freedom of expression that people wants to go. Only very obedient party people are allowed to travel.

9. CENSORSHIP IS A MEGABIG BUSINESS. Since no one may speak negatively about communism there will be plenty of jobs for censorship people monitoring newspapers, books, the internet, etc. (EU has made a new institute for surveillance - also against bloggers)

10. JOY OF LIFE DISAPPEAR. In a communist society where freedom of expression, democracy and self-realization is denied the discouragement tone spreads like a basille like wildfire to the entire population.

It has been tried. It was called the SovjetUnion. It collapsed in 1991.

#EU is walking down that road too. Read more here: http://xrepublic.tv/node/1232

The aspect of the massmurdering in the name of communism is another way to look at communism. It is estimated that about 100 million have been murdered in the name of communism: http://www.thecommentator.com/article/4230/so_how_many_did_communism_kill#.Uk_9CEKLHko.twitter

9 June 2013

How we win "the war" against Islam. 7 crusial points about the enemy from within

The West won the cold war against communism. In my view the winner was Ronald Reagan and we owe him a lot. He bankrupt Sovjet and won spiritually.

But now the West faces a totally different war. The enemy from within. The Jihad. The Sharia. The Islam.

The Islam is no ordinary religion. Its a regime of terror with deathpenalty for dropping out. 

We have been used to be so kind and think that love really conqours all. So our love has been greatly shining over immigrants for the last 20 years. That is - if love is money for free.

The West does not have a plan at this moment to win this new war. A war of a kind we have never seen before. Much has been spoken about all the troubles we import and how we should regain control of our borders. Both in the USA and in Europe. 

But very little has been spoken about how we win this war. 

So here I go with 7 crusial points to know if we want to win this war.  

1. BORDERCONTROL. Yes that is crusial to control your own borders. But thats just a starting point. 

2. CITIZENSHIP. Its here the real fight begins. You dont just hand out for free what is most dear to you. Futhermore. Votingrights is crusial for forming the West. We need to find a new pride in being a citizen. And by that I mean becoming a citizen should be difficult and should be celebrated as something very unique. In Europe that means we have to let go of the Marxist Frankfurtschools ruling body the ECHR in Strassbourg. Their rulings undermine everything the nationstates people died for. 

3. CONTROL OVER THE WELFARESTATE. If we continue granting everything from the big welfarestates of the West for free to every new immgrant we will for sure be overrun and loose this new war. We must understand that the welfarestate is build by hardworking people paying way to much in tax. So for respect of our own system you need to be a part of the tax-system and be a citizen before this magntude of services are giving to you for free. The alternative is the collapse of the welfarestate (or even riots in southern Europe). 

4. CONTROLLED IMMIGRATION. Every nationstate in the west must have a plan for how much immigration is suitable. In theory like the idea behind the US green card system (which is not working). If you dont control immigration you slowly but surely leave your own population your own people behind and give all the grants to a new class of welfaremigrants. The religion of Islam has several clerics who preaches being on welfare to prepare for Jihad. We need to grow up and face this reality. 

5. LOWERING TAXES. Welfarestates on diets. If we dont wanna say goodbye to the West we need to lower taxes. Not just in Scandinavia where the madness is worst but all over the West, so that working actually pays off and pride in earnng your daily bread is restored. 

6. BEING TOUGH. For the love of God we must grow up and take pride in who we are and be tough in negotiations around the world. 3rdWorldMoney is not the way to help poor people. It just keeps tyrants in place. We give allowances to our own kids for 5 maybe 10 years but then they have to earn their own money. 3rdWordMoney is the key corruptionsfactor in the world and we need to stop that. Single persons wanting to make a difference does make a difference. But statemoney has no enthusiasm no goal no drive.

7. TAKE A STAND AGAINST MOSQUE-BUILDINGS IN YOUR COUNTRY. They are not churches for another religion. They are the center of Jihad. The center of Sharia. And they are political opposed to everything the west stands for.

Update: Bill Warner "An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam" http://www.politicalislam.com/blog/an-ethical-basis-for-war-against-political-islam-part-10/