The European Union has for years tried to make you understand, that having a national identity is ugly.
You need to be a "European by heart" as the danish prime minister told she was to the EU-parlament.
But that makes me ask: Why? Why is european identity good and national identity ugly? Why not go a step futher and say that a global identity is good and a european identity bad?
Its all about power. To crush the national identity is only for the PC elite of Europe to get more power. Any logic behind that european identity is good and national identity ugly is simply not there.
We the people needs to remember this in our fight to dismantle this EU-monster.
This years budget from EU will include about 3 mill. euros to monitor any euroscepticism on social medias including this blog. Why?
Not to be more understanding to what people in Europe want but to crush us who dare to speak up against the EU-monster.
The resemblence to the former USSR is getting larger and larger. Be bold speak up. I will.
The Troll-watcher-budget-article:
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